Those of you who know me know I LOVE my Wishblade!! It is with a slight tear in my eye that I announce she's moving on to a new home. I know Mel will take good care of her!!
I can hear the gasps of shock from here!!! Don't fret, I haven't had a complete breakdown...I'm upgrading to a Gazelle!!
My new baby "Gazza" is kinda like the grown up version of a Wishblade in that it can cut 12x12 papers and chipboard too, not to mention fabulous sugar coated papers and glitter card stock.
I hope to take ownership of Gazza this week so be ready to be dazzled by my craftiness in the near future!!
These little boxes were created in the Funtime Software to be cut out with the Gazelle, Wishblade or Pazzles Inspiration. It is AMAZING!!! The machine does ALL the cutting for you!!! You simply put them together and embellish any way you want. Too easy!!
There is sooooo much you can do with one of these nifty little machines.
A huge thank you to Alisa who gave permission for me to show off her handy work and design skills. If anyone would like more information about these fabulous, can not live without machines, then please check out Alisa's web site at http://www.de-signsmadebyme.com.au/ . Her customer service is second to none and her technical support is nothing short of brilliant!! I'm sure she won't mind answering any question you might have.
shell xoxo
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